Are you ready to evolve from managing people to leading them?

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3 Words To Lead By

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Leader vs. Manager:  What does that mean?

I can relate. Hi, my name is Rory and for the longest time I heard these terms being used by my managers and above, and they seemed to be used interchangeably, as if the were synonyms. I learned later that was definitely not the case. There were dramatic difference between a leader and a manager, and a dramatic difference in the way a leader thought, the actions they took, and in the results they got.

Once I understood those differences, learning how to become a strong leader became my passion. I not only teach Leadership, but I also teach Peak Performance. One of the reasons I became so passionate about becoming a strong leader, is that I began to understand that is how you get peak performance, not only in your team, but in yourself.

As a Leadership Coach and Speaker, I love talking about, sharing and teaching Leadership. It is one of the most important, if not THE most important topic in business. There are very few transformations that can as dramatically improve the success of an individual, and therefore their company, as evolving from managing people to leading them.


If you have this trait, nothing else matters. If you don't have this trait, nothing else matters.

Discover the first of the 3 Words To Lead By